One of a noble and magisterial race, Harbinger stalks the boundary of the Void, solitary surviving guard of an outpost on the world at the rim of the abyss. From this serrated crystalline Outworld, eternally on guard, he has observed for eternities the heavens, attentive for any rousing in the unlimited night beyond the stars. Imprinted deep in the shining lattices of his intellect lays a resonant blueprint akin to divination, a dark music meaning that eventually some evil will awaken out there, beyond the edges of conception, and turn its interest to our world. With his whole being centered on his vigil, Outworld Devourer paid little consideration to events closer in to the sun. At last the clamour of the Ancients, and a wisdom of growing danger from within as well as without, sent him flying sunward to visit the grounds of war. Harbinger’s place in our own prophecies is unmistakable: he must be deemed an omen of worse things to come. However, his arrival in itself is bad enough.
Arcane Orb
Adds extra pure damage to Outworld Devourer’s attacks, based on his remaining mana pool. Arcane Orb also does bonus damage to summoned units and illusions. Arcane Orb is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers. Harbinger’s out worldly knowledge allows it to tap into the ebb and flow of all spiritual energy, infusing it into his being.
Mana Cost: 100/100/100/100
Ability: Auto-Cast, Unit Target
Affects: Enemy Units
Damage: Pure
Mana Pool To Damage: 6% / 7% / 8% / 9%
Illusion Damage: 100 / 200 / 300 / 400
Astral Imprisonment
Places a target allied or enemy hero into an astral prison. The hidden hero is invulnerable and disabled. When cast on an enemy Hero, Harbinger temporarily steals intelligence from that hero. Locked away in the pocket between this world and the Outworld, victims realize their infantile knowledge and mortality.
Mana Cost: 120/140/160/180
Cooldown: 18/16/14/12
Ability: Unit Target
Intelligence Steal: 4 / 6 / 8 / 10
Steal Duration: 60 / 60 / 60 / 60
Prison Duration: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Essence Aura
Whenever nearby allied Heroes or Outworld Devourer itself casts a spell, it gains a chance to restore 25% of its mana pool. Outworld Devourer also passively gains a bonus to its base mana pool. Several skills with no cooldown and toggled spells cannot trigger Essence Aura. The crystals of the Outworld produce arcane power, and the Harbinger channels it into the world of mortals.
Ability: Passive, Aura
Affects: Allied Heroes
Radius: 1000 / 1000 / 1000 / 1000
Base Mana: 75 / 150 / 225 / 300
Restore Chance: 10% / 20% / 30% / 40%
Sanity’s Eclipse
Deals damage to enemy Heroes in an area of effect based on the difference between Harbinger and the affected Hero’s intelligence. If the Hero takes less than the damage threshold, that Hero loses 75% of its current mana. Sanity’s Eclipse can hit units trapped in Astral Imprisonment. If an enemy hero has the same or higher Intelligence than Outworld Devourer, Sanity’s Eclipse has no effect. Upgradable by Aghanim’s Scepter. When an Outworld crystal ruptures, cataclysmic energies are released, and the reverberations of this power are felt interdimensionally.
Mana Cost: 175/250/325
Cooldown: 160
Ability: Point Target
Damage: Magical
Radius: 375 / 475 / 575
Range: 600 / 650 / 700
Difference Damage Multiplier: 8 / 9 / 10
Intelligence Threshold: 10 / 30 / 50
Scepter Range: 700 / 750 / 800
Scepter Difference Damage Multiplier: 9 / 10 / 11