
pugnaIn the kingdom of Pugna’s birth, near the vents of the Nether Reaches, there stood a lamasery dedicated to the Arts of Oblivion, which drew its dominance from the nether energies. The Grandmaster of the temple had himself passed into Oblivion several years prior, leaving his conservatory without a leader. From the instant of their master’s death, the regents of the temple began rites of divination to recognize their master’s reincarnation, and ultimately all signs congregated on the immediate neighbourhood. Several townships squatted in the shadow of the temple, their alleys, and plazas full of the amusement of squalling children. Pugna, a mere thirteen months of age, was but one aspirant among the local brats, and on the appointed day, was presented at the temple alongside two other talented toddlers. The lamas presented a jumble of worn relics to the children, treasured possessions of their former grandmaster. One boy reached for a porphyry wand that had belonged to the lama…and put it in his nostril. An elfin girl pulled out a lucky charm that had also been the lama’s, and abruptly swallowed it. Pugna looked upon the other two coolly, gave a joyous laugh, and blasted them with gouts of emerald flame, reducing them to ashes in a second. He then grasped up the wand and good luck charm, saying ‘Mine!’ The regents raised the wide smiling Pugna on their shoulders, wrapped him in their grandmaster’s vestments, and charged him to the throne before his mood could change. Within five years, the temple itself was another mass of ash, which delighted Pugna to no end.





pugna nether blastNether Blast

An exploding pulse deals damage to enemies and structures in the area. Deals 33% damage to structures. The Arts of Oblivion include a deafening blast of emerald flames from the Nether Reaches.


Mana Cost: 85/105/125/145
Cooldown: 5.50
Ability: Point Target
Damage: Magical
Damage: 100 / 175 / 250 / 325
Blast Delay: 0.9 / 0.9 / 0.9 / 0.9
Radius: 400 / 400 / 400 / 400



pugna decrepify


A powerful banishing spell that slows a unit and renders it unable to attack or be attacked. Afflicted units take extra magic damage. A now-mastered relic from his childhood, Pugna delights in banishing others into the Nether Realm, whether for good, evil, or simple enjoyment.


Mana Cost: 100/100/100/100
Cooldown: 12/10/8/6
Ability: Unit Target
Bonus Spell Damage: 40%
Slow: 50% / 50% / 50% / 50%
Duration: 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5


pugna nether ward

Nether Ward

Pugna places a nether ward that fires mana flares at enemy heroes who dare to cast spells, while also preventing them from regenerating mana. Nether Ward deals damage equal to the damage multiplier times the mana spent by the enemy hero. Lasts 25 seconds. While at the lamasery for the Arts of Oblivion, Pugna learned to dominate his classmates with a simple ward charged with Nether magic.


Mana Cost: 80/80/80/80
Cooldown: 35
Ability: No Target
Damage: Magical
Radius: 1600
Mana Regen: 1.5 / 3 / 4.5 / 6
Damage Mult: 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75



pugna life drain

Life Drain

CHANNELED – While channelling Life Drain, Pugna siphons HP of the target enemy unit. Lasts 10 seconds. Upgradable by Aghanim’s Scepter. Pugna has truly become more powerful than even the grandmaster of Oblivion.


Mana Cost: 125/175/225
Cooldown: 22
Ability: Channeled, Unit Target
Affects: Enemy Units
Damage: Magical
Drain Per Second: 120 / 160 / 200
Scepter Drain Per Second: 180 / 240 / 300
Scepter Bonus Cast Range: 50