DOTA 2 TI3 Teams: Fnatic.EU

fntic teamDOTA 2 The International 3 Teams: Fnatic.EU Today we learn more about the vanguard of the HoN transplants, eu Fnatic. EU, who will definitely be looking to make good on a two month bootcamp after their comprehensive downtime during late Spring. Coming up next will be one of the two remaining Chinese overlords, DK. In February of 2010, Kevin ‘RotterdaM’ van der Kooi, former Warcraft 3 professional and future Stracraft 2 commentator, convinced Fnatic to let him form a Heroes of Newerth squad. However, soon after the players were gathered, RotterdaM moved on to SC2, leaving the team in the hands of Antti ‘Rexi’ Saarenpää. This preliminary incarnation of the team was completely Finnish, and included Kalle ‘Trixi’ Saarinen, who would stay with the team through their golden period in HoN. Along the way, the Finns ended up leaving the team, and instead dk Henrik ‘Freshpro’ Hansen ended up joining, and after him three members of a team called iLx, Tal ‘Fly’ Aizik, de Jascha ‘NoVa _’.