
sniperKardel Sharpeye was born deep in the mountains of Knollen where, since time immemorial, Keen Folk have endured by hunting the weird, cliff dwelling steeps talkers above their community, shooting them from a distance and gathering the remains where they fell. Sharpeye was among the best of these bizarre mountain devotees for whom projectile armaments are but another accessory, and to shoot is as natural as to touch.

On his day of calling, when he was to gain complete position in his village, Sharpeye took the very old test: a solitary shot from the valley level to strike a beast down from the cliffs. To fail to spot was to be dishonoured. With his whole village standing vigil, Sharpeye took his shot. A steep stalker fell; the crowd cheered. However, when the carcass was collected, the village was hushed, for the elders found that the bullet had penetrated its gleaming central eye then fallen to be clenched in the steep stalker’s mandibles. This portentous sign was the exact opening of a dark prophecy, predicting both greatness and banishment for the gunman who made such a shot. Sharpeye the Sniper was thus, by his own skill, condemned to make his way distant from his people-and unwanted until he has fulfilled the rest of the prophecy by accomplishing legendary status on a field of battle.




sniper shrapnelShrapnel

Fires a ball of shrapnel that showers the target area in explosive pellets. Enemies are subject to damage and slowed movement. Deals 30% damage to buildings. Reveals the targeted area. Kardel’s modular rifle also fires incendiary rounds, useful for assaulting entrenched locations.

Mana Cost: 120/120/120/120
Cooldown: 15
Ability: Point Target
Damage: Magical
Damage: 12 / 24 / 36 / 48
Movement Speed: 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
Radius: 360
Duration: 9


sniper headshotHeadshot

Sniper increases his accuracy, giving a chance to deal extra damage and mini-stun. Headshot procs cannot be evaded. Taking potshots at steepstalkers in his childhood has been thoroughly refined into perfect leads on enemy combatants.


Ability: Passive
Damage: Physical
Damage: 15 / 40 / 65 / 90
Chance: 40%


sniper take aimTake Aim

Extends the attack range of Sniper’s rifle. Kardel always takes it upon himself to stay as far from harm as he can while still performing his role – taking perfect aim.



Ability: Passive
Bonus Range: 75 / 150 / 225 / 300


sniper assassinateAssassinate

Sniper locks onto a target enemy unit, and after 1.7 seconds, fires a devastating shot that deals damage at long range, and mini-stuns the target. In order to fulfill the prophecy and return to his home town, Kardel must make another shot as perfect as the one on the day of his ancient test.

Mana Cost: 175/275/375
Cooldown: 20/15/10
Ability: Unit Target
Affects: Enemy Units
Damage: Magical
Damage: 355 / 505 / 655
Range: 2000 / 2500 / 3000