The sixth installment of the EIZO Cup concluded late last night after a finals among former champions eu Kaipi and ua iCCup in which it was determined who would be the first ever team to assert the 1,250 EUR first prize for a second time over. The only slight wonder of the first round was the loss of ru RoX. KiS at the hands of dk Team Life (formerly eL’Pride), who in turn were eliminated by ru Team Empire in the second round. Also going out in the second round was pe Denil e-Sports, at the hands of se 4 Friends+Chrillee. The genuine murder began in the semi-finals, with iCCup declining Empire in two straight games, demonstrating that for all their improvement over the past months, the former leading force of the European scene however has a fair ways to go in order to restore their spot, if they will do so at all with their existing support pair. Meanwhile Kaipi had a bit of a rougher time with 4FC, getting a full best-of-three to do away with the Swedes.